• Phone: 02036274563

    24/7 on call: 07515407147

    Email: info@congratulationqualitycare.co.uk

  • Regus House, 132 Lewisham high Street London SE13 6EE
  • Citibase 67-71 Lewisham high Street London SE13 5JX
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9am-7pm
We are the ones to call for last-minute coverage and other needs within a 24-hour availability.

Our wide variety of care services are tailored to help you achieve optimum health in the comfort of your own home. We have support workers available to handle every other aspect of your care. We offer flexible workers of the highest qualification. This means we’ll keep constant contact with you, your loved ones, and our carers to ensure they’re delivering the support you require. Just allow us to let you live comfortably.

Our flexible assistance services span any of the following:

  • Personal care
  • Social care
  • Food preparation
  • And more!

Ready to start receiving services from us? Get in touch with us today.