• Phone: 02036274563

    24/7 on call: 07515407147

    Email: info@congratulationqualitycare.co.uk

  • Regus House, 132 Lewisham high Street London SE13 6EE
  • Citibase 67-71 Lewisham high Street London SE13 5JX
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9am-7pm
We have outstanding specialists who excel at performing the more complex duties of care.

If you need extra specialized help at home, you can always find it with us. We garner high qualified nurses, experienced healthcare assistants, and support workers who are also specialists in what they do. We have skilled nurses and aides available to work the hours. We can also arrange for temporary or long-term medical attention for your loved ones when necessary. We are committed to giving you experienced healthcare professionals to handle your more than basic needs. As a team of specialists, we enhance people’s healthcare experience by providing exceptional clinical services.

Ready to start receiving services from us? Get in touch with us today.