• Phone: 02036274563

    24/7 on call: 07515407147

    Email: info@congratulationqualitycare.co.uk

  • Regus House, 132 Lewisham high Street London SE13 6EE
  • Citibase 67-71 Lewisham high Street London SE13 5JX
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9am-7pm
We offer quality staff and training solutions in the health care sector to individuals and organizations.

We offer crucial training both to our internal staff and to other organizations and individuals. Otherwise, we provide training and support in areas of health care for specific individuals. On occasion, we will recruit and train staff specifically for activities as directed by our clients. We teach people skills to ensure that the safety and wellness of care recipients and patients are upheld. People increasingly expect choice in all things. Training allows people greater and smarter options and access to the care they prefer.

Ready to start receiving services from us? Get in touch with us today.