• Phone: 02036274563

    24/7 on call: 07515407147

    Email: info@congratulationqualitycare.co.uk

  • Regus House, 132 Lewisham high Street London SE13 6EE
  • Citibase 67-71 Lewisham high Street London SE13 5JX
  • Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 9am-7pm
We introduce to you the necessary support you need to have independence in the comfort of their homes possible and beneficial.

Quality staff lies at the center of Congratulation Quality Care and Cleaning. Our services are cost-effective, reliable, and responsive to the needs and preferences of each client. With the help of our excellent carers, we assist your loved ones to stay independent at home. We promote good health to allow anyone to maintain themselves in good condition. Our carers can be your willing partner in ensuring your loved ones achieve a better quality of life while homebound.

We’re here for you! Get in touch with us today.